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The Promise Bracelet :: Design collaboration with Tacori

Fashion November 6

11 years ago

With Wendy

Happy Wednesday everyone!  With great joy and excitement… The Promise Bracelet unveiled!  In April 2012, we met Tacori at the Lucky FABB conference and from that moment something special happened.  We started talking about film, fashion, and art.  A few months later, Tacori kindly gifted me a bracelet that had a seal toggle.  As they were trying to show me how to open and close the bracelet, I asked Mystery Man to help me.  I was afraid of breaking the seal toggle.  Seeing MM, whose fingers are bigger than mine, try to maneuver this small bracelet was entertaining and charming.  I just thought it was so sweet seeing a grown man try to open something the size of his upper pinky.  Laughing as he put the bracelet on me, we shared a special moment.  That night I couldn’t sleep.  I woke up at 4 am and started sketching.  I really wanted to design a piece that a couple can share together, more specifically, to celebrate something meaningful and that was how the Promise Bracelet came to be.

Working with the head designer, Garo, at the Tacori design studio.  I really think he has special powers.  He was laser focus at our first meeting and as I was talking about the design, I could see an Iron Man-like HUD projecting from his seat.  It was almost like he was virtually painting all of the components in his head.  With my piece of paper, I was so nervous pitching the design, and Garo… cool, calm, and collected finished the meeting with ‘I think we can do it.’  It was music to my ears.

 :: The Promise film ::

:: Behind-the-scenes with Tacori ::

:: Sketch to design ::

Notes from the inception of the design to the final piece…

The above were original notes from the inception of the design.  Please excuse my scribbly handwriting.  When I was conceptualizing the meaning behind ‘The Promise’, I envisioned two stories that could harmoniously coexist.  One story was that of which stemmed from the sight of my dear boyfriend opening the first bracelet.  A story about a shared experience between two individuals.  The dual colors, and more specifically the dual structures, represent two people coming together to celebrate a promise, thus forming a strong team.  The three ‘pillars’ that connect the structures together are rooted in love, support, and respect.  The other story was about an individual making a promise to herself.

When it comes to the personal promise, I really wanted to design a piece that embodies the human spirit and that empowers women.  Graceful, like the gold chain, yet strong, like the structural integrity of the bracelet, this design illustrates one of many complexities of womanhood.  In addition to celebrating the unity between two individuals, I truly believe it is equally important to celebrate the unity between a woman and her inner self.  In other words, a promise that a woman makes to herself.  I’m very blessed to have a supportive boyfriend, but on this journey, I felt it was more important for me to take alone.  I put the Promise Bracelet on myself and whispered a promise to never forget where I came from and to continue championing against juvenile injustice.  Being a dreamer, I also reminded myself to dream big and that every dream is worth chasing.  Because of the locking mechanism, it was a little difficult for me to close it myself, so sitting on my bed I positioned the bracelet between my chest and a pillow against my knee (it’s like creating a body taco =), and sealed my personal promises with the key.  It was an emotional and peaceful moment.  I’ve been wearing it everyday, and strange as it might sound, it’s a beacon of light that radiates hope for me.

This Promise Bracelet is dedicated to all of the couples out there.  From our computer screen to yours, we wish you endless happiness, joy, and love.  And more importantly, this bracelet is dedicated to you.  To all of the women who I deeply admire… those who stand up for what they believe in, those whose beauty is on the inside which makes her outer beauty everlasting, those who laugh loud and hearty, and those who never stop chasing their dreams.  Because I’m a day late in posting (suppose to go up yesterday), we’ll celebrate with one two virtual champagne glasses =)  Thank you so much for being on this journey with us.  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

To Tacori – thank you for believing in us and for wholeheartedly embracing this design.  This collaboration is incredibly special to us and we greatly appreciate your support and love.  You made our dream come true and we’re forever grateful.  It’s such an honor to be a part of the Tacori family!

Thank you so much for reading!
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